On December 12, headed by Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu, vice president of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) of Vietnam, 12 Vietnamese officials visited LOGODI to discuss ways to expand cooperation in the field of government officials’ education and training.
Since signing the MOU in 2007, LOGODI and NAPA have been cooperating to strengthen the capacity of local officials and NAPA faculty through continuous partnership, and LOGODI, in total, has operated 33 courses and produced 319 Vietnamese alumni.
The delegation was consist of NAPA faculty members and high-level officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs, discussed various ways of cooperation and asked for LOGODI's cooperation, especially on Vietnames government funded training in Korea.
During the visit, a special lecture was given by Mr. Gang Hyeon gu from the National Information Society Agency about the "Korea's Digital Governance Strategy and Cases of Using ICT in the Public Service Delivery.“