

Mongolian Government Awards the Medal of Friendship to the President of LOGODI
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Author 국제교육협력과
Date 2023-12-18 00:00:00 Hit 787

Mongolian Government Awards the Medal of Friendship to the President of LOGODI

On December 15, President of LOGODI, Mr, Ryu Imchul received the "Nairamdal Order," the Medal of Friendship from the Mongolian government for his significant contribution to enhancing the friendly cooperation between Korea and Mongolia.

On behalf of President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, the award was presented by Oyunbaatar Jagdag, the Charge d'Affaires of Mongolia.

The "Nairamdal" means "Peace" in Mongolian and is the highest order awarded exclusively to foreigners who have contributed to peace and friendship in Mongolia's development, whether as individuals or organizations.

LOGODI has been conducting a capacity-building program for Mongolian government officials and faculty for the past 20 years, benefiting approximately 500 officials since the signing of MOU with the Academy of Management. (Current National Academy of Governance) in 2002.

President Ryu delightedly addressed that "This award acknowledges the efforts of LOGODI over the past 20 years in enhancing the capacity of Mongolian government officials and promoting friendly relations between two countries. We will continue to do our best to cooperate for Mongolia's development by supporting Mongolian government officials' capacity advancement."
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