

Empowerment Among Ethiopian Civil Servants Through Online Capacity Building Program
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Author 국제교육협력과
Date 2023-08-22 00:00:00 Hit 512

Empowerment Among Ethiopian Civil Servants Through Online Capacity Building Program

LOGODI carries out the Capacity Building Program for Civil Servants in Ethiopia online from August 22 to 30, 2023.

As the final phase of a three-year initiative spanning from 2021 to 2023, LOGODI has put efforts to bolster the competencies of Ethiopian government officials, sponsored by the esteemed Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

Twenty participants occupying pivotal positions as directors and senior officials within various Ethiopian ministries gather to collaborate with their collective focus on leading public service innovation and crafting actionable strategies tailor-made for their respective organizations.

Responding to the formal request from the Ethiopian government, LOGODI has meticulously designed this program. It offers a rich array of bespoke lectures and workshops meticulously tailored to the intricacies of Public Service innovation. The forthcoming nine days will be a crucible of dynamic discussions to sow the seeds of innovation and citizen-centered public service culture within their respective ministries.

During the inauguration ceremony, Dr. Ryu Imchul, the President of LOGODI, exuded optimism as he deemed this program an invaluable conduit for cross-cultural exchange. Dr. Ryu further emphasized the potential for cementing the bilateral relationship between Ethiopia and South Korea, envisaging a future characterized by synergy, harmony, and prosperity. His parting words underscored LOGODI's relentless commitment to this trajectory, affirming their unwavering dedication to steering and nurturing this transformative journey.
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