

Full speed ahead for local job creation in second year of Moon administration
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Date 2018-03-26 00:00:00 Hit 553

Full speed ahead for local job creation in second year of Moon administration

Full speed ahead for local job creation in second year of Moon administration

Full speed ahead for local job creation in second year of Moon administration

Monday, March 26, 2018

WANJU – From March 21 to 23, LOGODI launched a training program to assist Korean central and local government officials in their implementation of President Moon Jae-in’s policies for job creation and income-led growth, as key economic strategies for the administration in its second year.

The three-day, eight-course program drew in over 70 officials from across the nation and featured talks by representatives of presidential committees, ministries, and metropolitan and provincial governments.

A member of the Presidential Committee on Jobs presented on a five-year roadmap for the creation of jobs, while another from the Presidential Commission on Policy Planning discussed the governance philosophy of a “people-centered economy” in the context of income, jobs, fairness, and innovation as pillars in the strategy for its growth.

Vice Minister of the Interior and Safety, Mr. Shim Bo Kyun, made a presence to introduce the government’s set of measures for youth job creation led by local governments, which is expected to generate over 70,000 jobs for young people by 2021. His talk spurred dialogue with participants on recent initiatives taken by local governments, along with their successes and challenges. Others including the Ministry of Strategy and Finance; Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy; Ministry of Employment and Labor; and Ministry of SMEs and Startups outlined their own courses of action in the context of these strategies.

Seoul Special Metropolitan City, Gwangju Metropolitan City, and Gyeongbuk Province further displayed their cases of best practice in responding to youth unemployment in their jurisdictions.

LOGODI President Park Byungho expressed his hopes that the program would help drive forward the nation’s policies for job creation and income-led growth, and that “quality jobs that match the distinct characteristics of each region” would be further realized.

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